Sem 3 _ Game Design (lecture notes and exercises)

29 March 2018
Week 1
Vivien Christian Cahyadi [0331241]
Game Design


How to be a good game designer =
-a passion for games

Elements of a game =
-whose story is it
-what is happening
-what is at stake
-what problem will the protagonist have to deal with?

How what happens > affects someone > pursuit of a difficult goal > how he or she changes

Story spine / spline / arc
Exposition > Conflict > Climax > Resolution
you have little2 arcs. Each scene also has their own.

Introduction to the character, premise, goals and objectives

Obstacles and challenges to overcome before meeting the goals

The final battle, the hardest and last challenge

Conclusion what happened after?

Gameplay = these are the most common 5 element
1. Challenge (is the element that will make it difficult for the player to achieve their game objectives) different types of enemies, obstacles, terrain, environment, will affect the players in some way that prevents them from getting to the objective easily. “Punishments” is an example of introducing further challenge to the player.
2. Strategy (in order to overcome challenges and obstacles, the player should be able to think and allows them to develop a way to navigate through difficult situations presented in a game.)
3. Chance (is the element in your gameplay design that will help prolong the Life of the player) (ex. monopoly) can be bonus life, health bar replenish, game time increase, periodic invincibility, super bomb, special weapon, speed booster
4. Choice
5. Luck

Come up with ideas for game =
1. Copy (look at any other games and do sth similar)
2. Improve
3. Reverse


As a warm up exercise, sir Razif handed each group a deck of card in which we should make a new game with. Our end game is called snap, which is mainly Paulina's idea.

Instruction :
This game can be played by 2-5 player. First, put two stacks/ deck of cards in the middle, arranged side by side. The rest of the card should then be divided equally among the players (8 each when played by 5 people). Each player should then put down 4 cards to the space in front of him/her from the card in hand. Once everyone's ready, two cards from the middle deck is turned (one from each), arranged side by side between the 2 decks. Now the players must compete with each other, being as quick as they can to either put a card above or below the facing card. For example, you can put a queen or ace if the card facing up is King and 2 or 4 if the card is 3. Note that you can only use up the cards from the 4 cards arranged in front of you, and you will have to keep restocking if the amount of it goes below 4. The goal of this game is to finish the cards, where the fastest one is the winner. In case both cards facing up has the same value, for ex. 5 spade and 5 hearts, players should slap the table (where the middle card is) and say "snap!" as quick as possible as the last one to do so would have to take all the faced up cards in the middle. If no one can put up a card, 2 cards from the 2 decks should be turned until someone can put their card.

Objectives :
To use up all you cards before others do.

Challenges :
Other players might put their cards before you do.
Only four playable cards each time.

Reward and Punishments (chance):
No reward, punishment to the last person who failed to do "snap!", he or she would have to take all the cards.

Element of Choice :
Choosing which cards to put

Luck :
If the cards facing up turns out to be one the player can put one or more of their cards.

Strategy :
Player must develop a strategy on how to be quick, to multitask between putting cards and arranging and restocking the playable card (the 4 card in front of the player).

Problems met during gameplay :
It's kind of rare to encounter "snap" during the game, and when it did happen, the player who "snap" last would automatically lost the game (coz he/she would get a lot of cards).

Solution to this problem :
I think this game would be more ideal to be played by two players. In that way, there's more cards in hand for each player and hopefully "snap" would appear more often.

5 April 2018
Week 2
Vivien Christian Cahyadi [0331241]
Game Design

Making a new game (2)

Black and Red

To play the game you need to have the following :
  • a deck of cards
  • dominoes
  • two dice (with red and black sides. In our case number 1 and 4 is red)

Setting up :
  1. Arrange the dominoes, faced down, in a row.
  2. Each player is given 5 cards in hand to start with. The remaining cards are set aside. 

Rules :
  1. Determine who should start first, the turn is set in either clockwise or anticlockwise direction. 
  2. First player should roll the dice. The colour of the dice will determine the colour of the cards you can throw away. If the dice shows both black and red, the player who rolled the dice may choose between them. 
  3. Then, the player should take one domino from the row, this will determine the number of the card the players can throw. For example, the domino is [2 | 3]. All players can throw away their cards with the number of 2, 3, or 5 (2 + 3), with the colour shown in the dice. 
  4. If the player who rolled dice doesn't have the required card, he/she should take 2 cards from the deck into his/her hand. This doesn't apply to other players. 
  5. Now the first player's turn is done. Return back the domino into the end of the row, faced down. Then, give the dice to the next player.
  6. Repeat number 2-5 for the next players. 
  7. The winner is the one who loses all his/her cards. 

  1. Lacks challenge, too dependant on "luck".
  2. Can add more challenge (sabotage)

Improvement idea

10 April 2018
Week 3
Vivien Christian Cahyadi [0331241]
Game Design


  • Avoid complicated patterns, for 2D animation > time consuming. 

  • Spine (paid)
  • Dragon bones (free)

1. Rough sketch, Silhouette
2. Detail with adding white space, where the light hits.
3. Director will choose
4. More detailed sketch, but still greyscale. Work from big chunks first then small details. Highlight and shadows.
5. Start colouring, multiply purplish or bluish for shadow, soft light for highlights. Can add texture by overlaying a texture image.

Ways to approach Concept art
either you make the world straight away, then create the character
Character first, then environment. 
