Sem 3 _ Game Design Project

9 April 2018
Week 3
Vivien Christian Cahyadi [0331241]
Game Design

The Game

For this game design project, I decided to expand upon the previous project I made for interactive animation. I figured I could make a more polished work this way as the art style and some assets have already been made. Changes will be made though to make it more game like.

The stars are weird creatures. They fly up high in the sky, tiny dots of twinkling lights. But once in a while they lose their power and fall. Once upon a time in a small island, lived a girl who helped the stars. Every time she sees the stars falling, she would grab her magic fishing rod and reel the stars out to safety. Days turned to months and months turned to years. The little girl kept on helping the stars. Day by day she felt increasingly lonely. She wished she had friends. The stars, upon hearing her wish, flew out of their jars and form a path of light.

NOTES   Story arc  =  Exposition > Conflict > Climax > Conclusion


  • The girl character (will make a change on this, make the character more agile)
  • Racoon
  • Boat
  • House
  • Tree background
  • Body of water
  • Racoon's hat shop
  • Birthday letter
  • Birthday balloons
  • Birthday cake
  • 2 friends
  • Intro scenes (won't use this)
  • Crappy start screen
  • UI (chat boxes and thought boxes, buttons)
  • Crate
  • Party hat

  • Add more game interactivity. Puzzle based 2D RPG game.
  • Maybe add an inventory system, drag and drop objects to interact with the environment and advance. 
  • Revise and polish the story. 
  • Polish the assets
NOTES   Game elements  = Challenge, Strategy, Chance, Choice Luck

Study of Puzzle Game

I went to watch several videos about puzzle games, hoping that I can learn something from it. After all, making a puzzle is hard and I feel like I can benefit from watching tips and tricks. 

I stumbled upon Game Maker's Toolkit, Mark Brown, he made lots of videos about games, such as case studies. Here is what I got : 

1. Provide clear goals
Players need to know what they’re doing, know what their short and long term goals are so they know which puzzle to solve and have the motivation to do so. Don’t give puzzles for no good reason.

 2. Use signposting
provide clear signposting littered with clues that tells you what to do. Provide little subtle goals. just right, not too subtle or too obvious.

 3. Feedback
A puzzle should help solve itself, letting you know if you’re in the right track and rebuffing you if you’re not. Explanation of why the specific combination is flawed, and hopefully nudge the player to the right solution. Player knows what they need to know, “Oh I should have figured that out” not “are you kidding me?”

Some games let you know if you hover over an inter-actable object. Spill hints if you fail to solve problems after a certain amount of time, or gives away answer if you can finish a mini game.


Previous Moodboard

Tuesday 15 May 2018
Week 8
Vivien Christian Cahyadi [0331241]

The Game

- level done with placeholders images/obj & with cam setup, gameplay
-identify distance of ground, jump height. This is where you will lock down your proper measurement.
-once you're done, you can take few screenshots from your camera
-place UI too
-establish stats ex. healthy, hit, pickups in percentages and numbers.

My game

Story : 
The story will be a sequel to my interactive animation project, where after my main character goes to the birthday party and meet new friends, a group of evil force came out of nowhere and kidnaps all but one of her friends. The game objective is to rescue her friends and defeat the evil forces. 

Gameplay : 
Gameplay wise, I will play a lot will physics and puzzle based interactions. 

Concept Art :
Level Design :



Dragon Bones


Music used :

  • Undertale - Home
  • Undertale - Uwa!!So temperate
Character sounds :
  • Jump, defend, hurt : recorded my own voice and make it high pitched and shorter in audition 
  • Foot-steps : took it from my previous sonic design project
  • Attack : took it from freesound, added parametric equalizer to suit my needs

Most of the other sounds are either taken from freesound or my previous sonic design sound project. Of course some are edited to suit the game. 


Gameplay video
