Sem 4_Personal Project
28 August 2018 Week 1 Vivien Christian Cahyadi [0331241] Personal Project I Personal Project STORYBOARD Week 10 PROGRESSION UPDATE Frame 29-35 Finished animating the angry, depressed, hate, useless doodle animation and page tear. Recorded asset for the next frame which is the shadow of a hand about to do self harm. Simulating door opening with after effect lights and 3D solids Scratches Week 11 PROGRESSION UPDATE Frame 16-20 Textured in substance painter. Used stencil for the "BITCH" writing. locker scene, almost finished texturing and still need to figure out the correct lighting. Photograph the assets to make it look as realistic as possible. Just several papers stacked together and intentionally messed up. Behold, my toilet collection Still struggling with making it look nice and believable. The timing is kind of there, but definitely need to refine the visuals. ...